Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
pics from the trip

view from the room

the overrated Hyatt (no free internet anywhere, paid parking, or free breakfast) Glad we got it for less than half the normal price...Thank you Priceline.

Braums...not exactly the what we remembered (Culvers Rules!)

Wind power at work in the plains of Kansas

Saturday, April 18, 2009
on the road
We'e on the road to beautiful Kansas. We'll post pics later since I cna,t sseem to see the words i am typing on my phone and i can't attach any pics...

[UPDATE] I can see now and love my visionless mobile post :) ...and my sarcastic post now contains a picture of the sarcastic "beautiful" i was referring to.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
rugrats, rugrats everywhere

Congrats to Tim & Kelly! They've got a little rugrat running around now...It's a little boy English Bulldog and he's awfully cute, but he's going to be a heck of brute!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Congrats to the Mohars!
Congrats to the Mohars on the birth of their baby boy yesterday!!! We're looking forward to meeting the little guy when everyone is settled.
just kicking it

6 months down, 3 to go. She's been pretty hyperactive...the baby, not Kara. We can really feel her kicking, pushing, and moving around in there. Time is going to fly by, so much to do. We should probably be further along with the nursery by now, but we hope to make some progress this weekend if we can make a decision on a color. We'll post pics of before/after as we get to work. We're trying to decide what to do about furniture...do we get a life stages crib and dresser, or get a standard crib and worry about matching furniture a few years later? Anyone have any thoughts?
Friday, April 3, 2009

Done, done, and done. Well, maybe not quite, but the heavy lifting is. Last week we completed the kitchen and love it. The tiles are in, grouted, and caulked, angled and all. We have some minor paint touchups to do on the cabinets and some gaps to fill under the lip of the countertop, but overall it's a done deal. It looks like a whole new kitchen.
Now, it's on to the Nursery. Last Friday, I painted the former guest room to a nice chalky blue-gray color which will now become the office and Sunday, Kara and I cleared out will be the nursery and threw a bunch of junk out. If anyone is interrested, I have a couple 15" Trinitron monitors that are going to get recycled (FYI, Best Buy has free electronics recycling: http://www.bestbuy.com/recycle ...protect the environment please). This weekened, we'll probably begin the tearout of the existing trim and closet doors in preparation for painting and trim replacement. If Kara can find some wallpaper soon, we may just begin painting as well.
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