Monday, May 24, 2010

are you still...LOST?

If you don't want any spoilers...don't read after the break!

For me, this was one of the best endings to a series that I've ever witnessed.  I don't know that Kara would agree, she still seemed a bit...lost.  I know, I know, tons of questions still left open.  But this beats some of the most anticpated endings that were ever planned out, instead of rudely being interrupted by cancelation (Carnivale to be specific!), including Sopranos and Seinfeld. This ending had ups and downs of emotions and action, and one great twist, and even some well done commercials to play off of the series history (wild boar anyone with archer farms BBQ sauce?)  We finally found out what was going on in those side chapters and why Jack suddenly had a son.  Who would have guessed that they were all in in Limbo, just waiting for everyone to pass on, so they could go to "heaven" together alongside the people that were the most important in their lives. 

Who cares that we really don't know what the light actually was or how "no name" actually became the smoke monster, or how the ones that did survive passed on; that's part of the beauty, to leave that spot open in your mind to wonder for a long time and keep you talking about it. Would you have kept watching the series that long if they answered every question?  Remember, this is from the same creator that gave us cloverfield, where did that monster come from, and Fringe, another great season finalle that has two "realities" playing out.  What matters, is the relationships of the people that you followed for six years were resolved.  Some things can never be answered, just like in life, at least, not in one person's lifetime.

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